Onions are deservedly called the king of the kitchen: indeed, it is used in almost all dishes. In addition to the taste with which the vegetable enriches other products, it has a number of properties useful to the body.
Onion properties
The bulb contains a large number of minerals, vitamins, and besides them, and other useful substances. These elements give the vegetable healing properties:
- essential oils and volatile - strengthen immunity, kill the simplest fungi and bacteria, including E. coli and staphylococcus;
- tannins - differ in astringent effect on pathogens, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties. Improve the work of the digestive tract and remove toxins and toxins, the breakdown products of drugs;
- cellulose - speeds up digestion, improves microflora, helps to normalize weight;
- antioxidants - improve fat metabolism in the body, fight free radicals (malignant cells), participate in cell regeneration processes, strengthen immunity;
- flavonoids - strengthen blood vessels, inhibit the formation of cholesterol plaques, break down fats.
Did you know? During archaeological work in the Cheops pyramid on the walls was found a record with the calculation of the number of products for the builders of the pyramid. One of them was onions.
Onions are useful to people at any age.
- With regular use in moderation, the product saturates the body with vitamins and minerals that are involved in all systems:
- in hematopoiesis and metabolic processes;
- in the construction of cells of muscle, connective and bone tissue;
- in the work of the brain;
- support the central nervous system;
- improve and nourish the cardiovascular system;
- normalize the hormonal background;
- improve the functioning of the urinary organs;
- support the reproductive system.
For women
Onion is a natural sedative that normalizes sleep and alleviates stress. This property is especially valuable for women during PMS, the ebbs and flows of menopause. Consumption of the product helps to lose weight and keep weight normal. Gruel from ground pulp has long been used as a cosmetic product that restores the beauty and strength of hair, nourishes, whitens the skin of the face, hands, neck and décolleté. The use of masks creates a youthful effect on the skin.During the period of carrying a child, the female body works for two, spending reserves of minerals and vitamins. The lack of substances affects the health of the pregnant woman:
- she has weakened immunity;
- tooth enamel deteriorates, teeth crumble;
- problems with pressure appear;
- at risk of kidney, gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels.
Regular consumption of onions will make up for the deficiency, maintaining the health of the expectant mother. In addition, it will saturate with a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins involved in the development of the fetus:
- folic acid - participates in the formation of the placenta, forms the nervous system of the baby, prevents the development of defects, takes part in the process of cell division, tissue structure;
- potassium - participates in intrauterine nutrition of the fetus, is a prophylaxis against dystrophy, affects the transmission of nerve impulses;
- magnesium - improves blood circulation of the placenta, the passage of nutrients from mother to fetus. Prevents fetal hypoxia, developmental delays, is involved in the construction of the hormonal system;
- sulfur, calcium and phosphorus - The main building blocks for bone, muscle and connective tissue of the fetus, play an important role in the transfer of healthy heredity and the formation of DNA.
Regular use of the product by a nursing mother will improve lactation, strengthen the immunity of the mother and baby, and saturate both organisms with useful elements.
Did you know? The French knights participating in the Crusades of the Middle Ages exchanged captured compatriots at Mohammedans for a bow.
For men
Daily use of a vegetable will enhance the performance of the male body. The product normalizes the production of male sex hormones, which favorably affects libido. In addition, the beneficial elements in the composition improve sperm quality, inhibit ejaculation. The product reduces the risk of prostate adenoma.Onions help the healing of sports injuries or those received during hard work. Minerals and vitamins strengthen the nervous system, heart muscle, increase concentration.
For children
Onions, as a source of nutrients, are also useful for children. During study, the product improves memory, the ability to absorb learning material, perseverance. The product contains sulfur, which is the source of collagen formation, which is responsible for muscle elasticity. In sufficient quantities, the substance is a prophylaxis against sprain.
Important vegetable for the formation and strengthening of the immune and endocrine systems. During puberty, adolescents often have skin problems, the nails are flaked and the ends of the hair are split. Using onions during this period will help restore the sebaceous glands, make up for the lack of vitamin E, which is responsible for the beauty and health of the skin, nails and hair.Bulb juice is often used to treat the common cold in children as a natural and safe alternative to pharmacological drops and sprays.
Harm and contraindications
Any product can be harmful. Onions contain essential oils, which in large quantities can affect the acidity of the gastric juice, irritate the gastric mucosa. It is not advisable to eat the product for asthmatics, volatile esters can trigger an attack.
- The use in such painful conditions is contraindicated:
- acute form of stomach diseases;
- high blood pressure;
- severe liver disease;
- heart disease
- impaired metabolism.
Important! Contraindications and warnings relate to the use of a crude product. Thermally processed vegetables do not have such a negative effect.
How much can I eat onions
You can’t eat a lot of onions in raw form: an excess of useful elements is just as harmful as their lack. The daily norm of fresh vegetable is 100 g.
In what form is a vegetable healthier
After heat treatment, a third of the vitamins and esters from the composition is lost, the minerals remain in full, so it is useful to use the product in any form. For medicinal purposes, for example, with anemia or vitamin deficiency, it is better to eat a raw vegetable.
Eating tips
In cooking, onions are used in the preparation of many dishes: first and second, as well as in salads. There are several secrets:
- it is better to chop finely the vegetable into soups and borsch, so that it dissolves during cooking (boiled it has an unpleasant taste);
- to get rid of strong bitterness in a fresh salad, the product is scalded with boiling water or pickled for some time;
- to give a pleasant color to a transparent broth, onion peel is lowered into it for several minutes;
- caramelized vegetable is often used to decorate casseroles;
- so that during frying the product does not stick, you can roll it in flour;
- before cooking, the frozen vegetable is dipped for 1-2 hours in cold water.
Both adults and children need to eat onions: thanks to the rich composition, this product will improve health. In the period of seasonal diseases, this is both a preventive measure and a medicine.Important! Experienced cooks recommend dipping the knife in cold water before cutting the onion - it dissolves quercetins, which cause tearing.